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Freeware PalmOS is an archive of PalmOS software applications for your Palm Treo smartphone, Palm Tungsten handheld, Palm Zire pda, Palm TX and Centro.


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Tic Tac Toe (Noughts & Crosses) 0.9


Tic Tac Toe (Noughts & Crosses)

versus Computer
To make the computer move tap in the square you want to go in.
By default you move first. Then it alternates.
To make the computer move first tap the NEW button once.
The game is over when the computer wins or it's a draw.
Press the NEW button to start a new game.
You may exit anytime and the current state of play will be remembered.

versus Human Opponent
The person to play is indicated by "X to move" or "O to move" at the top of the screen.
By default "X" moves first. Then it alternates.
To make "O" move first tap the NEW button once.
Press the NEW button to start a new game.
You may exit anytime and the current state of play will be remembered.

ScreenshotTic Tac Toe (Noughts & Crosses) 0.9

Available since: 12-27-07
Author: David Crofts

Download: Tic Tac Toe (Noughts & Crosses) 0.9 (7 kB)