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Freeware PalmOS is an archive of PalmOS software applications for your Palm Treo smartphone, Palm Tungsten handheld, Palm Zire pda, Palm TX and Centro.


Feel free to contact us if you have questions about or comments on our website.


If you're a developer, you're encouraged to upload your own free software applications.

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TeaPot 2.2


TeaPot is a kind of short-term clock. It will signal you after a configurable timer between 1 second and 99 minutes. 4 different times can be predefined. The aim of small tool is to help you to measure the time for your tea to draw. Therefore it shows you an animated cup of tea. Enjoy :-)


  • Timer runs also when device is switched off or user switches to another application
  • 4 predefined times with editable names and own alarm sounds
  • display remaining time in title bar
  • animation stops if menu is open or another dialog appears
  • can use simple sounds, midi-files or vibration/LED (PalmOS 4.x or better) alarm
  • new set of high resolution icons

ScreenshotTeaPot 2.2

Available since: 12-27-07
Author: MetaViewSoft

Download: TeaPot 2.2 (464 kB)